Nokia 6590i - 5 Once you have finished writing, press Options. Send e-mail appears again

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Once you have finished writing, press Options.
Send e-mail appears again


Press Select.
If the E-mail server number box appears, enter the number for your
service provider’s e-mail server (also known as “e-mail gateway,” get
this from your wireless provider) and press OK.


Read new text messages now

When you receive a text message, the phone displays Message received,
and the unopened letter icon

appears. The phone can also make a

sound (see “Customize a profile” on page 94).

To read the message now, press Show.

Read new text messages later


When you receive a text message, press Exit.


Later when you want to read the message, press Menu, then press Select.


Scroll to Inbox, then press Select.

A list of message headers appears. The

icon in front of the header

indicates that a message has been read. The

icon indicates that a

message has not yet been read.